Monday, January 6, 2014

My 365 Project Day 1

So much time has gone by in what feels like a blink... my Baby... my very first baby is a Sr is HS... I know, I know you are saying there is no way I have a SR in HS... LOL Well I have said it before but this year it's really hitting me with Em being a SR and Declan just turning 3 and becoming quite the little man.... I am blinking and my life is passing me by... I am this year stopping to smell the roses... I am taking a longer deeper breath and looking around at what is going on... I will NOT be tied to work 24/7 and miss out on dinner with the family because I am sitting at my desk eating while I work... or missing bath time... is it terrible to say I don't know when the last time I gave my littles a bath... ha ha don't worry they are clean.... daddy has bath and bedtime duty while I am working.... But I don't want to miss these moments anymore.... So I decided to aim high and to help me STOP, LOOK & LISTEN more often and be present and accountable... and more than anything MEMORABLE to my kids... "remember when Mommy... (fill in the blank) so I am doing a at least a picture a day... even of the most simple things... because every picture has a story... and I want to look back and remember every one of these moments...... so I am posting a few days later BUT I have been taking them...

DAY 1 | The Littles....
This is Kellen my little miss.... vibrant full of love and smiles... as she poses and says "Aren't I cute mommy" as she is wearing her headphones from Santa and no they aren't plugged in... 

Declan... my crazy, lovable 3 yr old man of steel... yes he is wearing a St. Paddys day Leprechaun shirt on New Years Day... and this is him saying.... "I am CUTER than Kellen mommy"


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